Last Updated: Saturday, December 02, 2006 05:22 AM
Please click on the question that interest you.

Q: How do I Void (Delete) An AP Check

To delete an AP manual check, use the System Utilities option from the main menu. Then choose the Date Rig menu option. Now choose AP Date Rig.

Now a screen will appear that is very similar to AP invoice entry. Enter the vendor number of the check you wish to delete.

At the invoice number prompt, press the [F5] key to enter the invoice lookup program. Then press [F5] once or twice more until the box title says "Checks" and the checks paid to the vendor are showing. Use the page-up and page-down keys to find the appropriate check. Also, you can choose an invoice which was paid by the check in the "Open Invoices" or "Closed Invoices lookup screens. Then use the "Check Modify" option, and choose the appropriate check that you want to delete.

Once the check is chosen, you can modify the check date information, or Delete the check. If you don't get the Delete option here, a system option may need to be set. From the system options menu screen described before, choose the System Setup/Maintenance option. Then choose "Options", and then choose "Options" again. Use the page-up and page-down keys to find the APCKDEL option, and change it to Y.

When you have deleted the check, TUT will create a voided check that will show up in subsequent check registers, and will delete the general ledger entries for that check number. Also, the invoice will be reopened (if there are no more checks applied to this invoice), and can be deleted or modified if necessary. [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: Can you explain how Pay Rates work in TUT?

In general, there are three sources of pay rates when entering job pay information.

Local Shops:
First, the job is searched for any override pay rates. To set these up, go into Job Maintenance. Crafts can be individually entered, along with the override locals and the override pay rates. If the pay rate is not zero, then the Job Cost Data Entry program will use that rate as the default. If the pay rate is zero, the program will check the local contracts to see if they have any valid rates. If not, then the employee rate is used.

It is important to note that putting local rates in the job records will defeat the purpose of the local contracts, because these rates do not automatically change. They will remain in effect until they are changed.

If local pay rates are to be used, the job override pay rates should be zero.

Non-Local Shops:
As in the local shops, there are pay rate records created under the job. These rates will take precedence over the employee pay rate if they are available, otherwise the employee rate will be used.
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Q: How do I enter a manual check in the Payroll subsystem?

In the payroll system, a manual check is indicated with a check number of 10 or greater. If a manual check is to be charged to a job, use Job Cost Data Entry. At the first Job/Building prompt, press [F9] to enter the Edit Employee menu. You will then be asked which field you would like to override. Choose M (Check Number) at this point. Enter a number greater than or equal to 10 here to indicate a manual check.

This technique also applies to non-job manual checks, but you will use the Payroll Data Entry program. At the first Pay Type prompt, press [F9]. The manual check number you use will be active until you press F1 to total out. At this point, you can enter override numbers for the different taxes that are under the Tax Key for 010 /PR MANU 001 that check. The string *** CALC *** in the amount field is used to indicate that the tax is to be calculated by the tax calculations program in the normal way. Otherwise, move the highlight bar up and down to select which tax(es) you would like to key an override amount for. Then press [F4] when you have finished overriding taxes.

To enter a manual check which is a void of a previous check, enter a check number > 10 as previously indicated. Then you will be asked if it is a void of a previous check. Answer yes. Then choose the batch/check number that you are voiding, and follow the remaining prompts. A manual check with exact negatives of the pay, deductions, and tax will be generated for you. However, you cannot edit these entries. You should generate yet another check with the correct amounts.
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Q: How do I change and set up my Printers in TUT?

Under TUT, most reports share a similar method of handling printers and printer output. Generally, there are two steps to selecting a printer. At the "Align Forms Change Output End To Menu" prompt, use the "Change Output" option. A list of "ports" are then shown on the screen.

The "ports" are all possible destinations for your output. These ports include LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, the disk, your terminal,etc. If you choose DISK, the output will go to a file on your disk whose filename will be then displayed. If you choose TERMINAL, the output will go to your screen. Otherwise, you will then be prompted for a printer type to use.

The list of printers will be shown on the screen, along with a description of the printer. Most printer types (i.e. EPSON, Hewlett-Packard, etc.) have multiple definitions for the same printer. This allows wide paper or narrow paper, landscape or portrait, and different fonts to be chosen. Here is what landscape and portrait means:

Choose the printer type which is defined at the port you have chosen. For example, your network may have a line printer at LPT1 and a laser printer at LPT2. You need to choose the correct printer type for the port.

After you have chosen the port and the printer, you have the option the make your choice as the default printer for that program. You should see the "[F9]=Set Default" choice at the bottom right of the screen. Simply press [F9] here, and every time you run this program your chosen port and printer will be the default choices next time.

The default printer and port choices are user-type dependent. For example, user type 1 may be a general accounting user, whereas user type 9 may be an estimator. These user types have 030 /PRINTER 001 a different set of printer definitions. This way, for example, a large installation can have a line printer upstairs and a line printer downstairs set up differently as user type 8 and user type 9.

The other set of printer defaults is found under the system setup program. Under "Options Maintenance", there are system options called "CHKPORT", "CHKPRNT", "PRTPORT", and "PRTPRNT".

These represent the default checks port, default checks printer, the default report port, and default report printer, respectively. If there is no user-type defined printer default, these system options are used.

Your system administrator should use the printer maintenance option under the system setup program to de-activate the 040 /PRINTER 001 printer definitions and port definitions which may not apply in your situation.

If you have a printer type which is not found in the standard list of printers, please contact J. Meidl Systems to create your printer definition. [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: How do I set Set Report Options in TUT With [F9]?

Many reports in TUT have options which allow the report to come out in many different formats. For example, a payroll master listing report may allow you to print in employee number order, employee name order, or social security number.

When the program finds a report option with no user-defined default answer, it will show the valid options and highlight the first choice. At this point, you can use the [F9] key. Simply use the arrows to move the cursor over to the option you normally would choose. Then press the [F9] key. Now you can make this option the default or the forced choice. If you choose "default", the highlight bar will rest on that choice in the future when you run this report. The program will stop to allow you to choose this option or change to a different option.

Choosing the "forced" option will tell the program not to stop and ask which option you want. It will simply choose the forced option for you and continue to the next prompt. For example, if you always run your employee master listings in name order, highlight that option and press [F9]. Then choose "forced".

If an option is forced, it can still be overridden. At the next prompt, simply press [esc] to back up through prompts and choose the appropriate answer. [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: What are the major changes for Rev 4.7.0?


Job Cost: General Ledger: Estimating: Accounts Payable:

Q: How do Standard Journal/Accrual Entries Work in G/L?

Standard Journal entries are used to automatically post certain recurring events to the general ledger. For example, you may want an insurance accrual to post each month. The Accrual entry is used to generate an entry one month and automatically create a reversal the next month.

From the General Ledger menu, choose option 2 (Journals Entry). Then choose either AC (for Accrual/Reversal) or SJ (Standard Journal entry). Then follow the prompts and update when finished. The Accrual entry will generate an accrual for the general ledger date shown at the top of the screen, and will generate another reversal entry for the first of the next month.

The Standard entry will stay in limbo, until the Journals Entry program is run the next month. Then it will prompt you that you should post the entries. Again, they will wait until the next month before any further action is taken.  [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: How do I add Tax Keys in TUT?

The easiest way to add a tax key in TUT is through the tax key maintenance program. Choose this option (on the Payroll Maintenance Menu). Then press [F7] to add a new key. You will then be prompted for an 8 letter tax key. The best way to do this is to have the first two letters as the state code, and the following letters more unique. For example, if the City of Atlanta, Georgia implemented a city tax, you may put "GA ATL" as the tax key.

In using the state code as the first two letters, the tax key will automatically generate the key with the six default federal tables, and the state withholding, and the state unemployment tables. Then you just need to add the local tax.

To do this, press [F7]=Load at the screen where the tax tables are listed. You are then prompted for a long string to add. The easiest thing to do here is press [F5] to look up the list of tax types.

A list of tax types for your system will be pulled up. Press page-up/page-down and see if the tax you are adding exists yet. For example, if you are adding another state's unemployment tax to your new table, it probably will be shown here. If you are adding a brand new tax type, it will not be here. Press [F7] to add the new type. You again will be prompted for a long string that is composed as follows:

aa - Country code (usually "US")
bb - State code
ccc - County code (some 3 digit abbrev. for the county)
ddd - City code (some 3 digit abbrev. for the city)
eee - Tax Type (PFW = Personal Federal Withholding
PSW = Personal State Withholding
PCW = Personal County Withholding
PMW = Personal Municipality (city) Withholding
PFU = Personal Federal Unemployment
PSU = Personal State Unemployment)

In general, the first letter is P or C (personal or corporate, the second is F,S,C, or M, and the third is W or U (withhold or unempl.)

After entering these keys, a new tax type will be generated. Enter the long description, short description, and check description. Then you must decide if there are going to be multiple tables for the tax. If yes, put yes in the "Choose-Tables" field, otherwise put no. Generally, the "yes" answer allows you to enter separate Married and Single tables, etc., if necessary.

When you have entered the information for your new tax key, you must create one or more tax tables. If the answer to the "Choose-Tables" question is no, choosing the "Tax-Tables" option here will add a new table for you to define. Otherwise, a lookup screen will pop up. To add a new tax table, press [F7] here. You will be prompted for a 1 character table (i.e. "M", for Married). Then you will be in Add mode for the new table.

Enter the appropriate tax information at this time, and press [F1]. Then press [F4] to end out of tax table maintenance. You will be returned to tax type maintenance. If the above tax type information is okay, press [F4] yet again to return to the tax type lookup screen. Use the page-up/page-down keys to find the new tax type you just added. Highlight it, and pick it.

You will now return to the tax key maintenance, where the chosen tax type will appear. You are now being prompted for the override tax table. You generally will leave this blank. Then press [F1].

Congratulations! You have just added a tax type to the table. Repeat the above steps to continue adding tax types until finished.
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Q: How do I "blank out" an employee's terminate date? For example, if I put in a termination date, then the employee returns to work, I need to get rid of that date.

A: In general, TUT uses the "?" to indicate "no date". So anywhere you need to blank out a date, the ? should work.
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Q: Oops! I just posted some payroll time to the wrong cost code! The job and hours are okay, but I need to change the cost code, and I have already updated the payroll. Do I have to create a void check and a new check to fix this?

A: If all you need to is change the cost code for the same job, you can use the units posting program. From the Job Costing menu, choose Units Posting, then enter the proper payroll batch number (PRxxxx). Then enter the job number. At the costcd prompt, you will see at the bottom of the screen that the [F9] key will redistribute time. Press F9, then enter the wrong costcd, then the correct costcd. At this point, each craft/pay rate combination will be shown. Pick the craft/pay rate that are to be changed, and enter the number of hours to transfer to the new costcd.
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Q: How do I enter the taxable "Use of Company Vehicle" information for the owner to show up on the W2?

A: The problem with this type of "pay" is that you don't want to write a check to the person, but the taxes must be paid by the person for the use of the company vehicle. The best way to do this is as follows:

Assume the use of the vehicle is valued at $500. Enter a manual check for the employee (dated 12/31) with $500 of paytype "Vehicle Usage" (create this pay if necessary). Then create a deduction for $500, also entitled "Vehicle Usage". If the pay is FICA taxable, figure the amounts of the FICA taxes, and manually enter them. Then put a negative entry for the same amount in the Federal withholding slot. This, in effect, lowers the amount of federal tax paid by the employee, which will be re-paid at tax filing time. This causes the employee to pay the FICA taxes, as the law says.  [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: How do I Write Off An Unpaid Accounts Receivable Invoice?

Sometimes you may have an invoice that is a few months old, or that you may not be able to collect, so you may need to write it off to the G/L Bad Debt account. To do this, go into the Accounts Receivable menu, and the Cash Posting program. Select the proper customer as prompted. Then at the payment reference, leave it blank and press [Enter]. After all, there isn't actually a check number to enter. You will now have $0.00 to distribute.

Use the Invoice-Apply option to pay off the unpaid invoice(s). Then you will have some negative money to distribute under the G/L apply option to the Bad Debt G/L account. When there is no more unapplied money, update the changes.  [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: How do I Close Out the Year in TUT?

Because most operations in TUT are very date-dependent, there is not much need to do any year-end processing. For example, the payroll tax calculations program uses the payroll date to figure year-to-date information, so the only thing you need to do to start the new payroll year is to set the payroll date to the new year.

However, there is one thing that should be done eventually. In the general ledger, it is usually necessary to zero out all income and expense accounts, and roll the net result into the retained earnings account. To do this, first enter the General Ledger menu. Set the general ledger date to the last date of the fiscal year (for example, 12/31/99). Then choose the Journal Entries option from the General Ledger menu. Select the YE - Year End option. Now change the account number shown to the retained earnings account. When it is correct, choose the Continue option. Now choose what the description for the general ledger transactions that will be created (Year End Closeout Entry should suffice).

Follow the rest of the prompts, and the general ledger year will be closed. [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: What are the conditions for a vendor to show on my 1099 Report?

The vendor 1099 report shows each vendor who is eligible to receive a federal 1099 form based on the vendor's yearly activity. If the vendor has had more than the minimum amount of activity, the vendor information will show up on this report.

The minimum vendor activity figure can be set under the system options, found under the "1099-MIN" key.  [ Return to Top of Page ]

Q: How do I tranfer Estimates between machines?

The Import/Export programs allow you to put the estimating data from one machine onto a floppy disk, and pull it from the floppy into another machine.


The Export section prompts you for a job which you want to export. Then you are asked which disk drive to put the job on. The pertinent job information is then dumped onto the floppy disk to be later imported into another estimating machine.

All data is put onto the disk, including walls, costcds, pay rates, etc. Please enter the estimate job/building number that is to be exported onto a floppy disk.

If you do not know the job number, use the [F5] key here to do a job lookup, from which you can pick the relevant job. Please choose the disk drive to which the job will be exported. It is important that you put the disk in the correct drive, and make sure the "write protect" notch on the disk is disabled.

To abort the export process, choose "End-To-Menu" here. To begin the export, choose "Begin-Export". Make sure that the write protect tab on the disk is disabled, that the disk is formatted, etc. This will allow the program to write the job information onto the disk.


The Import section prompts you for the disk drive that the exported job is located on. You should put the floppy disk in the disk drive. The disk is searched for valid estimates. A list of estimates that are found on the disk is shown on the screen for you to choose from. Choose the appropriate job, and the data will be imported into your system.

There is already a job in your master list with the same job/building number that you have chosen to import. You can choose to delete the existing job and import the new one. Otherwise, go into the estimating program for the old job and choose to rename it. Then you can safely import this job and still have both jobs in the system.

Please select which floppy drive the exported job in on. The floppy diskette must be in the drive before you choose this option. Also, the write protect tab on the diskette must be disabled, because this program writes the export directory onto the diskette.

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